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Meet Corinne!

Corinne is the founder and President of Sophia’s Grace Foundation and like to joke that she is an “accidental rescuer.” She personally rescued a few dogs starting in 2013 and since then she is proud to boast that SGF has snowballed into a multi-state operation. She often gets patted on the back for all the good she has done for so many dogs over the years, but she’s no dummy! She knows that her strength, and the secret to SGF’s success, is that she has surrounded herself with the very best leadership team and a bevy of dedicated volunteers. She knows it is they who do all the “heavy lifting,” while she just pays the bills! 


Corinne has loved animals all her life, and has always had a special affinity for dogs, both large and small. She recently relocated to the Delaware Coast, where she is enjoying the “beach” life with her loving husband, Russ, and their 11-year- old dachshund, Monty.


Sophia's Grace Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.

© 2014 Sophia's Grace Foundation.

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